Commercial Flat Washer - 18-8 Stainless Steel

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Bolt Diameter/Size: 1/4 in 1 in 3/4 in 3/8 in 7/16 in 7/8 in n° 10 Outside Diameter: 0.683 to 0.698 in 0.995 to 1.01 in 1.12 to 1.135 in 1.87 to 1.895 in 2.245 to 2.27 in 2.495 to 2.52 in Inside Diameter: 0.276 to 0.291 in 0.399 to 0.416 in 0.464 to 0.479 in 0.806 to 0.827 in 0.93 to 0.952 in 1.055 to 1.077 in Thickness: 0.045 to 0.055 in 0.055 to 0.069 in 0.057 to 0.067 in 0.095 to 0.115 in 0.115 to 0.135 in Caracteristics: Not Applicable Thin Select Options
Product # Bolt Diameter/Size Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Thickness Caracteristics
23ACT14 1/4 in       Thin
23AC14 1/4 in 0.683 to 0.698 in 0.276 to 0.291 in 0.045 to 0.055 in Not Applicable
23AC1 1 in 2.495 to 2.52 in 1.055 to 1.077 in 0.115 to 0.135 in Not Applicable
23AC34 3/4 in 1.87 to 1.895 in 0.806 to 0.827 in 0.095 to 0.115 in Not Applicable
23ACT38 3/8 in 0.995 to 1.01 in 0.399 to 0.416 in 0.045 to 0.055 in Thin
23AC38 3/8 in 0.995 to 1.01 in 0.399 to 0.416 in 0.057 to 0.067 in Not Applicable
23AC716 7/16 in 1.12 to 1.135 in 0.464 to 0.479 in 0.055 to 0.069 in Not Applicable
23AC78 7/8 in 2.245 to 2.27 in 0.93 to 0.952 in 0.095 to 0.115 in Not Applicable
23AC10 n° 10       Not Applicable


Type of washers
Flat Washer
Thread Type
Stainless Steel 18/8
Stainless Steel